Linux Advanced Debugging Tools

Linux Advanced Debugging

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Szkolenie obejmuje przekrojowe tematy debugowania aplikacji oraz sterowników urządzeń (jądra) w systemie Linux. Szczególny nacisk położony zostanie na debugowanie urządzeń sieciowych, oraz szyfrowania i kompresji danych.

Ćwiczenia praktyczne prowadzone będą na zestawach deweloperskich RaspberryPi oraz w emulatorach (QEMU).

Szkolenie składa się z 30% teoria i 70% ćwiczeń praktycznych polegających na rozwiązywaniu przykładowych problemów z kodem programów i sterowników.

Program szkolenia

1. Embedded Linux - quick reference


Prepare environment, configure SDK and IDE, compile and load external modules. Observe system behavior. Use serial console and network connection. Get familiar with ARM core and SoC documentation.

To reduce initial setup time and speed-up training, some parts of 'quick reference' are delivered ahead. Participants have time to setup workstations and get familiar with environment and documentation. The package contains ready-to-use virtual machine, as well as a complete detailed instruction. Some additional exercises are designed to improve understanding of advanced training topics.

2. User space debugging

Various advanced debugging tools and techniques for working with userspace applications.


Practical exercises are performed on RaspberryPi hardware running an ARMv8 (64bit) system.

BSP build by Yocto Project is used for remote debugging and tracing. Tasks involve debugging and tracing applications, from simple ones to multi-library, multi-threaded programs.

3. Kernel debugging

This is the main topic of the training.



Participants should be familiar with:

Ideally: you should get our Linux Device Drivers training prior to this one.